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Ghostology VII-b - Ghost of Desire

Teaching period: July 22-26, 2024

Location: Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania

Teacher(s): prof. Žilvinas Lilas


Number of available places for KUNO students: 6-8

Level: BA /MA

Course description
This is a seventh iteration of the Ghostology cycle which focuses on artistic desire, and tries to understand “but what does an artist really want?” (to paraphrase Freud a bit). In a course of a week we will meet at predefined locations to act out possible scenarios on what (or how) it is to be an artist in the 21st century. 

We will re-learn to desire as an artist. Trying to find if there is such a thing as desire which drives one as an artist. Or is it need and want? Also, how do we weed out trivialities of carnal or other circumstantial kind, together with all shades of vanity and grasp the depths of being an artist. Because, at the end, to paraphrase Lacan,— “the only truth in art is the truth of unsatisfiable desire”.

Application deadline:  June 2nd, 2024 at 18:00 (CET)

How to apply: Please send a short motivation letter (one A4 page maximum) to Zilvinas Lilas at:

Financial Support by KUNO:
Travel support between countries: 330 € (except 660 € to/from Iceland)

Subsistence: 250 € -1st week (5-7 days).

- only BA and MA full-degree students from the KUNO network schools can participate;
-exchange students from other institutions, which do not belong to the KUNO network, studying at one of the KUNO network schools, CANNOT participate;
- full-degree students from the KUNO network schools, currently on exchange at another institution, CANNOT participate (neither with nor without the KUNO grant).

In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact Zilvinas Lilas at: