Dr.Vidmina Stasiulyté: Wearing Sound: Foundations of Sonic Design / Open lecture at Vilnius Academy of Arts
Doctoral Department of Vilnius Academy of Arts invites you to the lecture of dr. Vidmina Stasiulytė on 28th of April 11.00 CET. The lecture is part of the event series Young Doctor Talks (YDT) which present young doctors in the arts and their research trajectories. Vidmina Stasiulytė has just received her Ph.D. from The Swedish School of Textiles, the University of Borås in 2020. Her background is interdisciplinary—she graduated with Bachelor in Fashion Design and continued her Master's project on Sound in Photography and Media Art Department at Vilnius Academy of Arts.
Registration for the Google Meet (you will receive link by email after registration) until April 27th 4pm CET https://forms.gle/T5ShWUNyZU7K6nJc8
Fashion is primarily a visual ontology consisting of definitions, theory, and methods that are based on visual language. This research revises fashion by approaching it from a different—sonic—perspective wherein sound is considered not as a negative aspect but as a potential source of a new theory and facilitator of the evolution of new methods. Sound is thus presented not as a secondary quality of designed objects, but as the main idea-generator. The research opens new avenues for design thinking with ears rather than eyes. This thesis explores clothing and fashion from the perspective of listening rather than seeing, sounding rather than showing, and is a form of rethinking and redefining fashion by starting with the statement that dress is sound.