KUNO network of the 18 Scandinavian and Baltic art academies stands together with artists and educators, scholars and students - with all the people in Ukraine. We stand for freedom, for sovereignty, for peace. We stand against violence and aggression. We are profoundly condemning the brutal, senseless war and shocking invasion of Ukraine. Independent Ukraine is not a threat to any country. Putin's refusal to accept this country's right to freedom and self-determination has had devastating consequences not for just one democratic country, but attacks the values of individual freedom in the democratic world at large. It attacks the people in favor of democracy in his own country. We are against the terroristic violence, which destroys the freedom and possibility of building a hopeful future for both the Ukrainian and Russian people. We are against the tragic violence, which destroys the freedom of building a hopeful future for both the Ukrainian and Russian people.

Artists are united globally - and have always been reaching out for a more equal and ethical existence. We stand for unwavering support and solidarity with our Ukrainian colleagues. And at this darkest moment, we also stand for our Russian colleagues who are refused their free future as well. 

KUNO network academies are working together to offer concrete help for our colleagues and students of Ukraine.

- Follows the list of opportunities to students and teachers -

EKA: https://www.artun.ee/eka-offers-study-spots-for-ukrainian-art-students/?fbclid=IwAR2YVOTBRPiLCvlyw4QZsjreF8DnqVwBcn9HzwepoLbjxQ8YQw891Ftp9eA

ICELAND UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS: https://www.lhi.is/frettir/islenskir-haskolar-lysa-yfir-studningi-vid-ukrainu?fbclid=IwAR37Xq64wLyJ5WmbG6qre3n8SJaQA43bcdPFREinstx-EYWJrqzt-buztiA

VAA:  https://www.vda.lt/en/news/vaa-support-for-students-and-academic-staff-members-from-ukrainian-higher-education-institutions

HDK-VALAND: https://www.gu.se/en/news/the-university-of-gothenburg-shows-solidarity-with-ukraine

ROYAL INSTITUTE OF ART: https://kkh.se/en/news/announcements/together-for-ukraine/

NTNU: https://www.ntnu.no/nyheter/en/support-to-everyone-who-is-affected-by-the-war/